71 research outputs found

    Funciones ejecutivas y rendimiento escolar en educación primaria. Un estudio exploratorio.

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    Las funciones ejecutivas se pueden definir como las habilidades necesarias para realizar una actividad propositiva, dirigida a una meta, y se considera que están mediatizadas por el córtex prefrontal y frontal. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la posible relación entre las funciones ejecutivas y el rendimiento académico de niños pertenecientes a la educación primaria. Analizamos los aspectos teóricos relativos a la evaluación implicados en el estudio de las funciones ejecutivas y estudiamos las relaciones entre el logro escolar y las funciones ejecutivas. Se concluye que el bajo rendimiento académico está relacionado con varias disfunciones ejecutivas. Se analizan las posibles repercusiones de estos hallazgos en los programas de recuperación de personas con deficiente rendimiento académico

    Análisis geomorfológico para la determinación de la susceptibilidad en las laderas de los embalses. Aplicación a los embalses de Dañador, Guadalmena y Tranco de Beas (cuenca del Guadalquivir, España).

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    El conocimiento de los factores condicionantes en la estabilidad de las laderas de los embalses, requiere un detallado estudio de los principales procesos dinámicos actuantes en el entorno del vaso. En este sentido, la cartografía geomorfológica ofrece excelentes resultados en la identificación de inestabilidades naturales y de su grado de susceptibilidad. Este trabajo estudia las características geológicas y geomorfológicas de la zona más próxima a los embalses de Dañador, Guadalmena y Tranco de Beas, todos ellos correspondientes a la cuenca hidrográfica del río Guadalquivir (provincia de Jaén). Para ello se ha realizado una cartografía geomorfológica detallada de una franja de aproximadamente 1.500 m alrededor de cada embalse, en la que se representan los principales procesos activos, así como, las formaciones superficiales. El análisis de los principales procesos geomorfológicos, en lo que respecta a su localización, características y previsible grado de actividad, ha permitido llegar a la identificación de aquellas zonas cuya seguridad pudiera verse afectada directamente a corto plazo y por tanto, también la del propio embalse. Los riesgos geomorfológicos más importantes son aquellos derivados de los movimientos de ladera (desprendimientos, deslizamientos), erosión hídrica (incisión y acarcavamientos) y procesos cársticos (subsidencias y colapsos). Knowledge of conditioning factors regarding slope stability in reservoirs requires a detailed background study of the main dynamic processes acting in the surroundings of the dam. In this sense, geomorphological mapping provides excellent results in the determination of unstable slopes and their level of susceptibility. This essay analyzes the geological and geomorphological characteristics in the surroundings of Dañador, Guadalmena and Tranco de Beas reservoirs, all of them located within the basin of the Guadalquivir river. A selected area, approximately 1,500 meters wide, around each reservoir was mapped, and a detailed geological and geomorphological database was obtained for each one in which the surficial formations were represented. The analysis of the main geomorphological processes, in terms of location, characteristics and assessed level of activity, has allowed for the delimitation of those areas that could suffer changes in their safety level in the short term, thus affecting the reservoir itself. The most important ones are those derived from slope movements (rock falls, landslides), slope erosion (gullies and rills) and karstic processes (subsidence and collapses)

    EDU-EX: a tool for auto-regulated IntelligentTutoring systems development based on models

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    In recent years there has been an upsurge in forms of instruction that envisage a permanent and ongoing involvement in education of novel concepts such as planned and personalised instruction and autonomous learning. A large number of problems that arise ineducation today may be solved by introducing new technologies into the educational environment, as they allow the form and content of tutoring systems to be tailored to each individual.The application of Artificial Intelligence techniques is helping open up new prospects in the field of teaching and learning. Using Artificial Intelligence techniques in education has the advantage of making it possible to represent expert reasoning and knowledge skills, and to take advantage of this experience in education.This study has involved the development of a tool to generate auto-regulated intelligent tutoring systems based on models. This form of representation makes it possible to break down, organise and represent information so as to enable the easy creation of functionalintelligent computerised tutoring systems. Information about the subject in question, about inference mechanisms, and of a pedagogical nature (independent of any one strategy) is allseparated. The tool also enables knowledge acquired by a student to be constantly monitored with a view to auto-regulating the course contents

    An empirical assessment of the potential of post-fire recovery of tree-forest communities in Mediterranean environments

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    The accumulation of fuel and the homogenization of the landscape in Mediterranean forests are leading to an increasingly hazardous behavior of wildfires, fostering larger, more intense, severe, and frequent wildfires. The onset of climate change is intensifying this behavior, fostering the occurrence of extreme forest fires threatening the persistence of forest communities. In this study we present an assessment of the post-fire recovery potential of the most representative tree-forest communities affected by fire in Spain: Pinus halepensis, Pinus nigra, Pinus pinaster and Quercus ilex. A large database of field data collected during specific campaigns -carried out 25 years after the fire- is used in combination with remote sensing, forest inventory and geospatial data to build an empirical model capable of predicting the chances of recovery. The model, calibrated using Random Forest, combines information on burn severity (remote sensing estimates of the Composite Burn Index), local topography (slope and terrain aspect) and climatic data (mean values and trends of temperature and precipitation) to provide information on the degree of similarity (vegetation height, horizontal cover of the vegetation layer along vertical strata, aboveground biomass and species diversity) between the plots burned in the summer of 1994 and the unburned control. Overall, only 33 out of the 131 burned plots could be considered as recovered, that is, reaching a similar state to unburned stands in neighboring areas. Our results suggest a primary role played by burn severity (the higher the severity the lower the probability of recovery), but strongly modulated by local topographic features (higher probability of recovery on steep north-facing slopes). In turn, increasingly warm and wetter conditions increased the chance of recovery

    Fuel Type Classification Using Airborne Laser Scanning and Sentinel 2 Data in Mediterranean Forest Affected by Wildfires

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    Mediterranean forests are recurrently affected by fire. The recurrence of fire in such environments and the number and severity of previous fire events are directly related to fire risk. Fuel type classification is crucial for estimating ignition and fire propagation for sustainable forest management of these wildfire prone environments. The aim of this study is to classify fuel types according to Prometheus classification using low-density Airborne Laser Scanner (ALS) data, Sentinel 2 data, and 136 field plots used as ground-truth. The study encompassed three different Mediterranean forests dominated by pines (Pinus halepensis, P. pinaster y P. nigra), oaks (Quercus ilex) and quercus (Q. faginea) in areas affected by wildfires in 1994 and their surroundings. Two metric selection approaches and two non-parametric classification methods with variants were compared to classify fuel types. The best-fitted classification model was obtained using Support Vector Machine method with radial kernel. The model includes three ALS and one Sentinel-2 metrics: the 25th percentile of returns height, the percentage of all returns above mean, rumple structural diversity index and NDVI. The overall accuracy of the model after validation was 59%. The combination of data from active and passive remote sensing sensors as well as the use of adapted structural diversity indices derived from ALS data improved accuracy classification. This approach demonstrates its value for mapping fuel type spatial patterns at a regional scale under different heterogeneous and topographically complex Mediterranean forests

    Inhibition of RAC1 activity in cancer associated fibroblasts favours breast tumour development through IL-1β upregulation

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    Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are highly abundant stromal components in the tumour microenvironment. These cells contribute to tumorigenesis and indeed, they have been proposed as a target for anti-cancer therapies. Similarly, targeting the Rho-GTPase RAC1 has also been suggested as a potential therapeutic target in cancer. Here, we show that targeting RAC1 activity, either pharmacologically or by genetic silencing, increases the pro-tumorigenic activity of CAFs by upregulating IL-1β secretion. Moreover, inhibiting RAC1 activity shifts the CAF subtype to a more aggressive phenotype. Thus, as RAC1 suppresses the secretion of IL-1β by CAFs, reducing RAC1 activity in combination with the depletion of this cytokine should be considered as an interesting therapeutic option for breast cancer in which tumour cells retain intact IL-1β signalling.

    El suelo y la sostenibilidad. Recurso para una aproximación multidisciplinar en la enseñanza de las Ciencias

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    El proyecto pretende dar a conocer el suelo como recurso natural al alumnado. Se trata de un recurso vital, profundamente desconocido y escasamente trabajado en las aulas. Apenas aparece de forma explícita en el currículo de Secundaria y menos aún en el de Primaria. Muchos organismos internacionales han resaltado la necesidad de que el ciudadano de a pie conozca el suelo, su enorme valor en la alimentación del ser humano y el grave riesgo en el que se encuentra hoy en día pues su fertilidad está descendiendo a un ritmo alarmante debido fundamentalmente a la acción humana. El valorar este recurso pasa por conocerlo y para ello es necesario trabajarlo en las aulas, pero antes hemos de formar a los futuros docentes,esto es lo que nos hemos propuesto desde la Facultad de Educación. Por otro lado nos resulta fundamental el que los ciudadanos conozcan el compostaje, actividad fácil de desarrollar tanto en los centros docentes como en el propio domicilio; compostar permite cuidar el medio ambiente de forma doble, por un lado reduciendo los desechos y por otro produciendo un material (el compost) con muchas ventajas para la agricultura, contribuyendo de esta forma a la sostenibilidad

    Paleoecología y cultura material en el complejo tumular prehistórico de Castillejo del Bonete (Terrinches, Ciudad Real)

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    Castillejo del Bonete es un complejo tumular situado en el borde meridional de la Meseta Ibérica, ocupado en fechas calcolíticas y de la Edad del Bronce, vinculado a la Cultura de las Motillas. Materiales arqueológicos muy diversos han sido recuperados asociados a las arquitecturas del lugar (túmulos, corredores, potentes muros, etc.). Se presenta un avance de la investigación paleoecológica sobre las colecciones de carbón, polen y microvertebrados. Además se presentan cuentas de piedra y madera, colgantes de concha, material lítico, la colección cerámica, nuevas metalografías e industria metálica y botones de marfil. El conjunto de estas evidencias arqueológicas pone de manifiesto la celebración ritual de banquetes y ofrendas durante la Prehistoria Reciente en una cueva monumentalizada mediante túmulos en el interior de la Península Ibérica